Trade Machine

Automatic tools for diagnosing and performing decision making regarding buy/sell strategies in the stock, futures and forex markets. The blog may include a review or an outlook of either product or markets that are publicly accesible. By all means, none of the posts in this blog should be accounted as a suggestion to do any kind of investment or other act of choosing a product. Whoever choose to do so, is doing it on his own will and risk.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Money Machine exists!!!

Silly me. My initial assumption was true, there are MANY financial companies that are using money machines out there. They are using advanced mathematic methods for the sole purpose of generating accurate predictions. You can read a sample description of such machine in the following link: FatKat.
Another company that works in a much lower profile is Financial Algorithms (Final) Inc.
The mathematic methods in use are Fuzzy logic, neural nets, genetic algorithms, Markov models, fractal methods, and clustering techniques.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, you must be dreaming. Where have you been? Who do you think makes all the market in forex if not all those banking machines? This is the most valueable income generator of the financial institutes today. The possibilities are more than 10 years old and I'm sure that they are doing that at least a decade by now.

10:24 PM  

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